7 D A Y E L E C T R O N I C
Cat No. ET03
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Setting Clock
(i) Hold the <Day> button down until the day dot is
above the correct day of the week. The day dot
can be advanced from one day to the next by
pressing the <Day> button briefly. Wednesday
selected shown as an example.
(ii) Hold the <Hour> button down until the correct
hour is almost reached and then press briefly and
repeatedly until correct hour is displayed. 16
hours (4pm) selected shown as an example.
(iii) Hold the <Min> button down until the correct
minutes are almost reached and then press
briefly and repeatedly until the correct minutes
are displayed. 35 minutes selected shown as
an example.
IMPORTANT After setting a clock time which falls within a programmed ON
period, the unit will not switch ON. Press the <O’ride> button to switch the
ET03 ON. After this the unit will operate normally to the programmes set.
6. Programme Review
To fast review the programmes or for a quick exit from programming to
operating mode - hold down the <Prog> button until the clock time with
colon flashing appears on the display. Normal review can be carried out by
pressing the <Prog> button briefly which reviews the first programme ON
time with the whole display except the colon flashing. Further pressing of this
button will review the programme ON and OFF times in sequence and then
the clock, again with the whole display except the colon flashing. After the
clock has been reviewed the ET03 can be returned to the operating mode by
one brief press of the <Prog> button.
7. Programme or Clock Changes
These can be made during review at any time. Use the <Prog> button to get
to the correct programme or clock location and make the required changes
using the <Day>, <Hour> and <Min> buttons as required. When all changes
are made return to operating mode by holding down the <Prog> button until
the clock time with colon flashing appears on the display.
the time is increased (advanced) by one hour. To make this change easily and
without the need to use normal programming a <Min/SM
WT> button
has been added. This button is pressed (in operating mode) until the clock
symbol shows in the top left hand corner of the display (taking approx. 4
secs). When the button is released the clock and hour digit(s) flash. The
<Hour> button can now be pressed briefly to decrease the hour figure by one
(Summer Time to Winter Time change) or by 2 further brief presses to
increase the hour figure by one (Winter Time to Summer Time change).
10.Self Cancelling Override
To change the output status from OFF to ON or vice versa press the <O’ride>
button. The output status will change and indicate override is in operation by
flashing either the ON or OFF symbol on the display. The override will end at
the next programme change or sooner, if the <O’ride> button is pressed again.
11.Random Operation
If the <Ran> button is held down in operating mode until an “R” symbol appears in
the top right hand corner of the display (taking approx. 4 secs). The ET03 will now
switch ON and OFF in a random fashion during programmed ON periods only
giving an impression that your home is occupied. Note: The first period is always an
ON period and the ON and OFF periods vary between 10 and 31 minutes in
duration. To cancel hold down the <Ran> button until the “R” symbol disappears.
Operating Temp:
-10°C to 40°C
Operating Voltage:
220 to 240V AC 50Hz
Switching Capability: 13A (3kW) resistive, 2A inductive,
300W filament lamp
Battery Back Up:
Factory fitted rechargeable -
1000 hours back up
EC Directives:
Conforms to 73/23/EEC and
Not suitable for use with low energy, fluorescent or discharge lighting.
9. Cancelling Programmes
Any programme can be cancelled by clearing its ON and OFF times. Follow
the instruction in section 7 to locate the ON time requiring change and use
the <Hour> button to get to -: (one after 23:) on the display. Repeat this for
the OFF time. In each case the day(s) selected remains unchanged.
8. Summer Time/Winter Time Changes
When changing from Summer Time to Winter Time the time is decreased
(retarded) by one hour. When changing from Winter Time to Summer Time
For a product brochure please contact:
Timeguard Ltd.
Victory Park, 400 Edgware Road,
London NW2 6ND Tel: 020-8452-1112
or email [email protected]