2008-10-23 Workshop Manual, Stiga Titan 2 Chassis and body
2.1 Description
The chassis is built up on and around a
articulated frame with its articulation point in the
middle. This configuration imply that both the
front wheels and the rear wheels participate in
the turning actions and the rear wheels follow
the traces of the front wheels. This is a great
advantage in common and a requirement when
cutting around trees and corners. The rear
wheel will never pass a bend in an inner circle
and interfere with the obstruction.
This configuration also gives an optimal small
uncut circle, when driving with maximal turning.
The articulated frame is also articulating in the
vertical plane with ±6°. This makes it possible
for all the four wheels to press evenly against
the ground when the ground is bumpy.
To the chassis is also fitted control organs,
which conduct operator commands to the
actual device at the machine. I.e. wire and rod
between brake and pedal, throttle wire, etc.