For assistance with assembly or questions contact:
Wayfair Customer Service, 877-WAYFAIR (877-929-3247) |
TY-18 Desk
Figure 1
Unpack and lay parts on a
clean, padded surface like a
carpet or blanket. Check that
you have all parts indicated on
the front page.
Step 1
Slide Front Cross Bar (F) into
groove on Middle Panels (D &
E) as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2
Step 2
Insert Cam Locks (2) into holes
on Front Bars (F & G).
Screw Cam Bolts (1) into holes
on Panels (B, C, & E).
Attach unit from Figure 1 to
Panels (B & C) by inserting Cam
Bolts (1) and Dowels (3) into
corresponding holes until
components meet as shown in
Figure 2.
Tighten Cam Locks (2) by
rotating clockwise with Phillips
screwdriver (not included).
Assembly Instructions