Thermo Scientific Medifuge Centrifuge
Declaration of Decontamination
Thermo Fisher Scientific representatives will indicate on a customer
service repair report if decontamination was required, and if so,
what the contaminate was and what procedure was used. If no
decontamination was required, it should be stated so.
Print or copy the page with the decontamination certificate� Then complete and attach it to the
equipment before shipping for service�
When an instrument that has been used with radioactive, pathogenic, or otherwise hazardous
materials requires servicing by Thermo Fisher Scientific personnel either at the customer’s
laboratory or at Thermo Fisher Scientific facilities, the following procedure must be complied with
to insure safety of our personnel:
The instrument or part to be serviced shall be cleaned of all blood and other encrusted
material and decontaminated prior to servicing by our representative� No radioactivity shall be
detectable by survey equipment�
A Decontamination Certificate shall be completed and attached to the instrument or part�
If an instrument or part to be serviced does not have a Decontamination Certificate attached to it,
and, in our opinion, presents a potential radioactive or biological hazard, our representative will not
service the equipment until proper decontamination and certification has been completed�
If an instrument is received at our Service facilities and, in our opinion, poses a radioactive or
biological hazard, the sender will be contacted for instructions as to disposition of the equipment�
Dispostion costs will be borne by the sender�
Copy or print this Decontamination Certificate� Additional Decontamination Certificates are available
from your local technical or customer service representative� In the event these certificates
are not avalilable, a written statement certifying that the instrument or part has been properly
decontaminated and outlining the procedures used will be acceptable�