Thermo Scientific Medifuge Centrifuge
7. Centrifugation
If scraping noises occur, press the STOP key to shut down the
centrifuge. Pull out the power supply plug or disconnect the power
supply in an emergency.
Replace damaged buckets before the next run.
If a bang occurs and the centrifuge starts to shake, a bucket can be
dropped out of its position due to being installed incorrectly.
Press the STOP key to shut down the centrifuge.
Make sure that the bucket is not damaged before using it again.
Install it correctly if it can be used.
Before a Run
Read and observe the precautions and the safety instructions in this instruction manual�
Check the rotor and all accessories for damages such as cracks or scratches�
Check the rotor chamber and the centrifuge spindle�
Check the rotor suitability�
„Chemical Compatibility Chart“ on page 55
Make sure that the buckets are in correct position�
Set the parameters for the centrifugation� For details:
„Control Panel Settings“ on page 22
Starting the Centrifugation
Check the set parameters for the centrifugation, especially when programs are used�
Press the START key� The centrifuge accelerates to the pre-set speed with the time display active�
An animation of a circle is shown while the rotor is spinning�