Tuning and Calibrating Automatically in the ESI/MS Mode
Cleaning the MS Detector after Tuning and Calibrating
LTQ XL Getting Started
Thermo Electron Corporation
b. Grasp the outer ridges of the ion sweep cone and pull the cone
straight off of the API cone seal. Note, you might need to loosen the
set screws on the ion sweep cone in order to remove it.
6. Remove the ion transfer capillary by using the custom tool provided.
7. Clean the ion sweep cone and the ion transfer capillary as follows:
a. Place the ion sweep cone and the ion capillary tube in a beaker of
50:50 methanol/water.
b. Sonicate the components for 15 min.
8. Reinstall the ion transfer capillary.
9. Reinstall the ion sweep cone as described in
10. Place a small Teflon-coated septum over the entrance end of the ion
transfer capillary to seal the vacuum chamber of the MS detector.
11. Flush the sample transfer line, sample tube, and ESI probe thoroughly
with a solution of 5% formic acid in water (or with another appropriate
solvent), as follows:
a. Fill a clean, 250
L Unimetrics syringe with a solution an
appropriate solvent.
b. While holding the plunger of the syringe in place, carefully insert
the needle of the syringe into the free end of the Teflon tube.
c. Flush the sample transfer line, sample tube, and ESI probe with the
solution by slowly depressing the syringe plunger. Visually confirm
that the solution is exiting the tip of the ESI probe on the inside of
At operating temperatures, the ion
transfer tube can severely burn you! The ion transfer tube typically
operates between 200 and 400
Always allow the ion sweep cone to
cool to room temperature (for approximately 20 min) before you touch
or remove this component.
Always be careful not to touch the entrance
end of the ion transfer tube when it is exposed.
The solvent that you use to flush the sample transfer line,
sample tube, and ESI probe assembly depends on the solvent system
you use to dissolve your samples. For example, if you are using a
buffered solution of a high concentration, an acidic solution is