Tuning and Calibrating Automatically in the ESI/MS Mode
Cleaning the MS Detector after Tuning and Calibrating
Thermo Electron Corporation
LTQ XL Getting Started
Cleaning the MS
Detector after Tuning
and Calibrating
This topic describes how to clean your MS detector after using the
calibration solution, in preparation for acquiring data on your analyte of
Clean the MS detector after calibrating
1. Click
to put the MS detector in Standby mode. When the
MS detector is in Standby, the LTQ XL MS detector turns off the sheath
gas, Auxiliary gas, Sweep gas, ESI high voltage, and syringe pump. The
MS detector stops scanning, and the LTQ XL MS detector freezes the
displays for the Spectrum and Graph views.
2. Remove the syringe from the syringe pump holder, as follows:
a. Squeeze the blue buttons, and pull back on the syringe pump handle
to free the syringe.
b. Remove the syringe from the holder.
c. Disconnect the tip of the syringe needle from the Teflon tubing.
3. Clean the syringe thoroughly, as follows:
a. Clean the syringe with a solution of 5% formic acid in water.
b. Rinse the syringe with a solution of 50:50 methanol:water.
c. Use acetone to rinse the syringe. (Repeat this step several times.)
4. To gain access to the ion transfer capillary, the Ion Max ion source
housing and the ion sweep cone need to be removed. Refer to the topic
“Removing the Ion Max Ion Source Housing”
instructions for removing the Ion Max ion source housing.
5. Remove the ion sweep cone as follows:
a. Put on a pair of talc-free gloves.
Always place the MS detector in Standby (or Off ) before you
open the API source to atmospheric oxygen. The presence of oxygen in
the ion source when the MS detector is On could be unsafe. (The LTQ
XL MS detector automatically turns the MS detector Off when you
open the API source, however, it is best to take this added precaution.