Setting Up the Ion Source for Acquiring Data in APCI/MS/MS Mode
Installing the Ion Max Ion Source Housing
Thermo Electron Corporation
LTQ XL Getting Started
Figure 54.
Ion source mount showing ion source housing guide pins
2. Rotate the ion source housing locking levers 90 degrees to lock the ion
source housing onto the ion source mount assembly.
3. Reinstall the ion source drain tube as follows:
Ion Source
Guide Pins
Prevent solvent waste from backing up into the ion source
housing and MS detector. Always ensure that liquid in the drain tube is
able to drain to a waste container and that the outlet of the drain tube is
above the level of liquid in the waste container.
vent the API source drain tube (or any vent tubing
connected to the waste container) to the same fume exhaust system to
which you have connected the forepumps. The analyzer optics can
become contaminated if the API source drain tube and the (blue)
forepump exhaust tubing are connected to the same fume exhaust
Your laboratory must be equipped with at least two fume exhaust
systems. Route the (blue) forepump exhaust tubing to a dedicated fume
exhaust system. Route the drain tube from the API source to a waste
container. Vent the waste container to a dedicated fume exhaust system