Dilute the samples (if needed) and load the sample plate—sample
Isolate DNA and RNA samples using one of the procedures and kits that are
recommended in “Recommended materials for nucleic acid isolation and
quantification“ on page 18.
Samples with concentrations ≤1,024X of the target concentration for an assay
(displayed as default values in the Sample Plate step screen in run planning) are in
range for automated dilution and require no manual dilution. Enter the
concentrations during sample run planning at the Sample Plate step (see step 7 on
For samples with concentrations that are out of range for automated dilution,
manually dilute to the target sample concentration with nuclease-free water, or
to a concentration ≤1,000 ng/µL. For samples that are in range, go to step 2.
If the sample
concentration is…
<0.11 ng/µL
Concentrate the sample to greater than or equal to the
target concentration.
≥0.11 ng/µL, but less than
the target concentration
Run is allowed but sample concentration may not be
optimal for library preparation. Concentrate the sample
to greater than or equal to the target concentration.
≤1,024X of the target
No manual dilution is necessary, unless the
concentration is >1,000 ng/µL. The sequencer dilutes
the sample to the target concentration automatically
during the run.
>1,024X of the target
concentration, or
>1,000 ng/µL
Manually dilute to the target concentration based on
assay type, or to a concentration in range for
automated dilution by the sequencer.
If you enter a concentration <0.11 ng/µL or >1,000 ng/µL, a warning that the
concentration is out of range appears, and you are not allowed to proceed to
the next step.
If the concentration is ≤1,000 ng/µL, but >1,024X of the target concentration,
you can proceed, but because the instrument cannot dilute samples more than
1,024-fold, the diluted sample concentration will be greater than the target
Chapter 6
Dilute the samples and load the sample plate
Dilute the samples (if needed) and load the sample plate—sample run
Integrated Sequencer User Guide