Software control: Microscope Control
User Manual
C O N F I D E N T I A L –
limited rights
Feb 2018
Revision A
Control pages and modules
The software controls on the right side of the screen are organized into
Control pages
, which are divided into
tab modules
holding specific functions. The required page can be selected either by clicking on the corresponding icon
or with the use of shortcuts (see further). The Control pages and modules available for the system are:
Beam control
1. Vacuum, 2. Column, 3. Magnification, 4. Compound Lens Filter, 5. Beam, 6. Beam Deceleration,
7. Scan Rotation, 8. Detectors
9. Stage, 10. Stage Z, 11. Tilt Correction
12. Detector Settings, 8. Detectors
13. Patterning Control, 14. Properties, 15. GAS Injection (option – see Chapter 7)
14. Properties, 16. Digital Zoom, 17. Enhanced Image tab modules (LUT / Mix 3 / Mix 4 / Color / Process)
Direct adjustments
18. Direct Adjustments (Beam / Stigmator Centering / Focus), 8. Detectors
Column presets
19. Use Case, 20. Column Presets, 8. Detectors
Microscope alignments
21. Alignments (Instructions / Individual steps)
The number in front of the module name represents the order in which the modules are introduced in the following text.
Some of the module controls are beam-dependent. In this case, the actual beam type is indicated by the
corresponding icon at the right-hand side of the module.
1. Vacuum module
This module is used to control the pressure in the specimen
chamber. Clicking on the
button starts the pump-down
procedure for the specimen chamber and the column. The
system allows switching the accelerating voltage on only when
the chamber is sufficiently evacuated. Clicking on the
starts chamber venting for a sample or detector exchange after
user confirmation.
Ticking the
Sample Cleaning
check box pumps the system, starts
the Sample Cleaning procedure (duration can be set), and keeps
the column pumped.
The Mode radio buttons bring the system to:
High Vacuum
mode, which is the conventional operating mode (associated with all scanning electron
microscopes). It is used for observing conductive specimens that can withstand low pressure conditions and do
not release gas.
In this mode, the system pumps continuously to achieve the lowest possible pressure.
Low Vacuum
mode is for observing non-coated and non-conductive or partially conductive specimens.
In this mode, the chamber pressure is controlled using the
Chamber Pressure
adjuster, while the column is at a
much lower pressure. The gas environment can be selected from the list box.
The system automatically switches to one of the modes when the chamber is Vented and a dedicated detector is
installed. If no dedicated detector is installed, the user is asked to determine a detector mounted by the
dialog (see chapter 2).