Typical applications
Optical presence detector thePixa P360 KNX
Aura effect
During the aura effect, the light surrounds the user while he is moving. The light in the surrounding detection
zones is switched or dimmed to the <Switch-on dimming value at aura>. It follows an example of 3 presence
detectors and 6 lighting groups. Each Master has two zones and controls two lighting groups accordingly.
Make settings at Master A, B and C.
Assign an own group address to the aura effect object (Master A, B and C).
On each Master, connect the aura effect objects of the two zones with each other.
Example: Connect object 54 with object 85, and object 55 with object 84.
Connect the aura effect objects of the adjacent zones of the individual Master devices.
Example: Connect Master A, object 84 with Master B, object 55.
For the zone definition, the template
4 zones per 1/4 of the image area is used in the ETS database, for
Important: With the predefined zone divisions, zone 1 is always the entire detection area. This must be
taken into account for the lighting control.
thePixa P360 KNX (2269200)
DALI Gateway KNX plus (9070929)