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Modular Shelter System

Quick Pitching Instructions

© William Penney  The Theory Works®  2014  All Rights Reserved.  

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Required components

•  Two adjustable length walking poles, with 

baskets >30mm diameter.

•  Elements, with a total of 5-7 sides
•  Pole Union to hold together the poles (this can 

also be achieved with cord with a little time 
and patience)

•  Pegs, 2x or 3x the number of sides of the 


•  Rain Ceiling™ to create a weatherproof seal 

and vent at the top of the shelter

Optional components

•  Groundfloor™  (also makes pitching easier)
•  Insect Ceiling™
•  Reducer Sac™

Before Trip

Decide what format of shelter you want to make

•  The size of the shelter depends on what 

elements are available.  To make a closed 
shelter, 5-7 sides are needed.

•  The shelter can be pitched with sidewalls for 

increased interior space.  

•  When pitched with the sidewalls on the 

ground to increase weather-proofing and 
stability, the sidewall poles are not needed.

Before Trip or At Campsite

Zip together elements

•  Place elements side by side, with centre 

rings together.  Start zips from top and zip to 

•  Leave one zip undone, or fold tent over, and 

leave the last zip part open

At Campsite

Select site

•  Dry and level as possible
•  Sheltered from wind
•  Check for natural hazards, for example falling 

branches or trees, avalanches, rising rivers

Decide how to pitch shelter

•  With sidewalls (best for low-medium wind, 

cool weather)

•  With sidewalls rolled up (best for low-medium 

wind, warm or hot weather) – first pitch with 
sidewalls down, then roll them up as required

•  With sidewalls on ground inside (best for cool 

weather, strong winds or heavy rain

•  With sidewalls on outside (best for pitching on 

snow or on stony ground)
