How to Establish Your Training Duration and
Intensity on The Power Gym
The length of your workout depends on the intensity of the activity. Those who like to
work at a lower intensity should work out for a longer duration. Low-to-Moderate intensity
c ross-training workouts are best for most adults since higher intensity workouts can lead to
i n c reased risk of injury. Plus you are more likely to stick to an exercise routine that leaves you with
a sense of accomplishment
Beginners can achieve a significant training effect from lower-intensity workouts. If you’re
a l ready fit and want to improve, gradually increase your intensity.
After several weeks of aerobic conditioning, certain changes become apparent. What was once
a fairly attainable level of exercise now become quite easy.
See Exercise Guidelines Chart. (page 5)
The Power Gym
Fat-Burning Zone
The following chart will help you establish your “Ta rget Heart Zone”. The primary Power Gym
h e a rt rate training zone is re f e rred to as the “Fat-burning Zone” because the intensity is suff i c i e n t
to re q u i re your body to use fat as the primary fuel source for the exercises. You should exercise at
70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate to achieve this level of intensity. To achieve weight
loss, concentrate in maintaining your heart rate in this fat-burning zone for 20-30 minutes
per day, 3 to 5 days per week.
R e g a rdless of your maximum average heart rate or your target heart rate, consult with your
physician or with a sports medicine expert to establish the rates that are right for you. This is
especially important if you are over 35, have been sedentary for several years, are overweight, or
have a history of heart disease in your family.
Predicted Target Heart Rate Zone for Different Ages
Maximum Pre d i c t e d
A e robic Ta rget Zone
A g e
H e a rt Rate Per Minute
7 0 % - 8 0 %
2 0
2 0 0
1 4 0 - 1 6 0
2 5
1 9 5
1 3 7 - 1 5 6
3 0
1 9 0
1 3 3 - 1 5 2
3 5
1 8 5
1 3 0 - 1 4 8
4 0
1 8 0
1 2 6 - 1 4 4
4 5
1 7 5
1 2 3 - 1 4 0
5 0
1 7 0
1 1 9 - 1 3 6
5 5
1 6 5
1 1 6 - 1 3 2
6 0
1 6 0
1 1 2 - 1 2 8
To accurately determine your own heart rate, simply re c o rd your heart rate several times while
working on The Power Gym at maximum eff o rt such as when you are doing the stepper on your
highest possible setting.
C a u t i o n :
Only attempt this if you are healthy and have not experienced undue discomfort or
lightheadedness while exerc i s i n g .
N o t e :
You can take your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to obtain your heart rate
per minute.
The Power Gym Fitness Exercise Guidelines
F re q u e n c y :
3 to 5 sessions/week
I n t e n s i t y :
8-12 repetitions or until fatigued at 60-70 percent
maximum heart rate
Ti m e :
20-60 minutes/session
Ty p e :
8-10 resistance exercises combined with cardiovascular workout
L e v e l :
Adjust the dial on the hydraulic cylinders and resistance bands to
be suitable with your fitness level and then increase accord i n g l y.
your muscles these exercises improve mobility and perf o rmance, while decreasing the risk
of muscular or skeletal injury - especially good for preventing lower back pain.
The recommended amount of time to spend in your exercise routine is 20 to 60 minutes
per day, 3 to 5 days per week. Of course the key to a successful routine is to relax and listen
to your body.
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