In compliance with standard EN 361: 2002 and 358:1999
Description and Characteristics of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
full body harness is personal protective equipment against falls from a height and complies with EN 361 (Full body
harnesses) and is equipped with work positioning belt which complies to EN 358 (belts for work positioning and restraint). It is made of 43
mm polyamide webbing. D-rings, adjuster buckles and automatic click buckles are made from aluminum alloy. Harness has comfort
shoulder pads with back pad and also leg pads, made of semi rigid foam for better comfort. This harness is designed to provide you with
maximum comfort and safety that could be expected from this type of equipment. This harness has one size – Universal: M-XXL
This safety equipment must only be used by a medically fit person, well-trained and competent for
working at height.
Ensure that a rescue plan is in place and that efficient and quick rescue can be carried out in case
of a fall.
Do not make any alterations or additions to the equipment without the manufacturer's prior written
consent, and any repair shall only be carried out in accordance with manufacturer's procedure.
This equipment shall not be used outside its limitations, or for any purpose other than that for
which it is intended.
As dangers may arise by the use of combinations of items of equipment in which the safe function
of any one item is affected by or interferes with the safe function of another, make sure that the
harness is compatible with the other components of the fall arrest system (connectors, shock
absorber, and so forth).
It is essential for safety that equipment is withdrawn from use immediately should:
1) any doubt arise about its conditions for safe use or ;
2) it have been used to arrest to fall and not used again until confirmed in writing by a
competent person that it is acceptable to do so.
It is essential for safety to verify the free space required beneath the user at the workplace before
each occasion of use, so that, in the case of a fall, there will be no collision with the ground or
other obstacle in the fall path.
It is essential for the safety of the user, if this product is re-sold outside the country of destination,
the re-seller of this product shall provide instructions for use, maintenance and periodic
examination in the language of the country in which the product is to be used.
Steps to don the harness:
Before and during a use, knowledge of how to don and how to take down a person in an emergency is essential.
Ensure that all connecting buckles (5),(6) and (9) are opened and adjustment buckles (4) and (11) are loosened. Take the harness
by the shoulder strap(1) with one hand and step thru both leg straps while standing backwards to the harness.
Slip on the both shoulder straps (1) one after the other.
Pull waist belt on top of your hips and click close connecting buckle(6) of the belt and tighten the belt by pulling on both ends of the
waist straps at the same time.
Connect (click close) leg strap buckles (9) and adjust them by pulling the leg strap..
Connect (click close) chest strap buckle (5) and then adjust its tension.
Adjust frontal and dorsal straps by bulling frontal buckles (4) and dorsal buckles(11).
For a safety harness to be fully effective, it has to be correctly positioned and to be adjusted to fit sturdy to reduce the risk of injury
in case of a fall.
Important recommendations
Whenever possible, it is strongly recommended that the harness be assigned to an individual in order to limit the
readjustments needed when the harness changes hands, and also to be able to keep track of how often the harness is used.
Verify that this harness is compatible with the other items of equipment when assembled into a system. Harness must be used in
conjunction with the EN 353-1, EN 353-2 ,EN 354, EN 355, EN 360 and EN 362- for fall arrest systems, EN 795 for anchor
devises and EN 341 for rescue equipment . Before each use carry out check of the equipment, to ensure that it is in serviceable
condition and operates correctly.
Before each use make a close visual examination for any damages or cuts on the webbing, broken threads, damaged stitching,
rusted and worn out fittings. Make sure that the harness is in perfect working order. Check for the identification label. It should be
legible and clear. Check for periodic inspection details on a used harness.
Any harness showing signs of excessive wear or material damage should be removed from service immediately and destroyed.
Whenever possible, choose an anchor point
the user’s position. Avoid any anchor point whose strength may be doubtful.
Preferable use structural anchors provided for this purpose. Anchoring points must be able to hold more than
Only fall arrest system (mobile fall arrester, energy shock absorber or any other system described in the EN 363) is allowed to
connect with harness. Fall arrest system must be attached only to the attachment points authorized on this harness, which are
marked with “A” and “A/2”. Fall arrest system must be attached to the dorsal D-ring(10) or to the frontal attachment loops(3)
linked together. It’s forbidden to attach fall arrest system to the single front loop.
A full body harness is the only acceptable body holding device for a fall arrest system.
The fall protection’s material or its function may be affected if subjected to: extremely high temperatures, chemicals, electrical
current, grinding, cutting, wear against sharp objects and the effects of the weather, pendulum falls. In the course of use, all
appropriate arrangements should be made to protect the harness against dangers.
Should the user become unconscious in a suspended mode it will be extremely urgent to relieve the person of mechanical
It is essential to regularly check fastening and/or adjustment elements during use.
Verify the free space required beneath the user at the workplace before each occasion of use.
Carry out the work in such a way, to minimize the potential for a fall and potential fall distance.
Maintenance, Storage and Transportation
Proper maintenance and storage of your harness are primordial to insure integrity of the component parts and therefore
the user's safety. So please comply strictly with the following recommendations:
Clean the straps and buckles in water and household soap. Dry the metal fittings with a clean cloth. Never use acid or basic
solvents for cleaning.
WARNING! Allow the harness to dry in a ventilated room far from an open fire or any other source of heat. This also
applies for harnesses that have gotten wet during use.
Store the harness in a cool and dry area from ultraviolet rays. Avoid corrosive atmospheres and excessive heat or cold.
The equipment must be transported in its original packing. Take care to avoid damages to the PPE during transport.
The expected life of the harness is seven (7) years from the date of manufacture provided all instructions of use, maintenance or
storage have been followed and all necessary controls have been carried out.
Periodic Examination
WARNING! A competent person should periodically inspect and maintain records of the PPE as mentioned in the attached
Verification Card.
WARNING! Regular periodic examination is important, as the safety of users depends upon the continued efficiency and durability of
the equipment.
The frequency of periodic examination shall be at least every 12 months. Make sure to fill in the verification card and keep it
carefully on hand.
It is essential that the product should have a traceable identifying mark and a recorded inspection history, if this is not visible, the product
should be removed from service and destroyed.
EC-type Examination is carried out by the notified body
Manufacturer: TEXORA SIA, LATVIA
ALLGEMEINE UNFALLVERSICHERUNGSANSTALT - Aspazijas iel 37A, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latviia
Adalbert Stifter Straße, 65,
A-1200 Wien, Austria
Notified body identification Nr. 0511