Premier Elite 8XP-W & 32XP-W Installation Manual
System Attributes
Polling occurs between the devices and the receiver at a pre-determined interval of 15 minutes. This helps to
conserve battery life. Poll intervals are set to 4 minutes when the system is in Commission Mode. Please see
page 24 for details. The standard poll time is not adjustable. If the system is powered down for more than 1
hour, the devices will go into an Offline Mode to conserve battery life, in this case it can take up to 2 hours for
all devices to come back online, alternatively each device should have its tamper circuit opened to force
communications. When forcing the devices to come back online the same setup principles should be used
and devices closest to the receiver should be activated first, this will again allow the mesh network to be
System Devices
Auto Mode
When in Auto Mode, devices poll at 15 minute intervals. Following activation, devices will not transmit the
same activation again for a period of 3 minutes.
Always Awake
This mode should only be used on devices which are required to signal at all times and is the default setting
for the
Impaq Contact-W
Impaq Plus-W
. For example a
Impaq Contac-W
on a door which you need to
know is opened, regardless of system state; or devices such as PA buttons & smoke detectors which have
been connected to the inputs of the Magnetic Contact. See page 25 for details. The number of devices on a
system in this mode should be kept to a minimum.
Device Specific
This mode is assigned to devices that need to operate in a specific way and should not be changed. Life
safety devices and sounders will typically use this mode.
Hybrid Mode (V2.xx)
Hybrid mode is used to control the reporting functions for devices. When in this mode devices are asleep
when the system is unset, and are woken up by the control panel at the point of arming. When the system is
disarmed the devices will be put back to sleep.
Expander O/P Mode
Expander O/P modes are for future use and should not be used with any of the devices listed above.
On very large systems (100 d) a small delay may be experienced when arming the system, this is normal
as the expanders on the system wake up the relevant devices.
Premier Elite DT-W should ALWAYS be used in Hybrid mode, failure to do this will have an adverse effect on
battery life.
as this is a dynamic bi-directional system any device which is Always Awake has the capability to shorten battery
life of other devices. Please see the Battery Considerations section on page 28