Once the hydraulic power unit is started, the operation of the cylinder is controlled by
the control box. The lever is a spring return to center. Pushing the lever one direction
will extend the cylinder (make up stroke) and pushing the lever in the opposite direction
will retract the cylinder (reset).
Set desired line pull using the calibration table (see Table 6) by determining the
effective tong arm length (see Figure 3) and torque required for connections based on
torque table (see Table 7). Figure the pressure setting for that torque (based on tong
size). Extend and hold fully extended the cylinder with no load on the wireline. Turn the
pressure adjusting knob until the pressure gauge reads the required pressure. Unit is
now set.
This is a suggested PM schedule. The tool owner has the responsibility to
adjust the program according to actual tool usage
For hydraulic units, disconnect lines and drain system’s pressure before
Normal wear in course of use will eventually reduce the cylinder’s capability. Cracks or
the appearance of damage on the wireline can indicate the need for repair, even
impending failure, and requires prompt attention.
Daily – While in use
Apply EP 4 grease to prevent corrosion on wireline and grease fittings on
Verify power unit and control box are in a secure and safe location
Visually check wireline for broken wires, kinks, crushing, bird cages, corrosion,
abrasion or any other abnormal condition – if found, replace
Ensure wireline is routed so there no potential of 1) a pinching hazard and 2)
anyone being trapped between the wireline and the rig structure
Fully extend and retract the cylinder several times to purge air from the