2 Revisions and Assembly Variants
The various TMDS64DC01EVM and TMDS243DC01EVM PCB design revisions and assembly variants are
listed in the table below. Specific PCB revision is indicated in silkscreen on the PCB. Specific assembly variant is
indicated with additional sticker label.
Table 2-1. TMDS64DC01EVM and TMDS243DC01EVM PCB Design Revisions and Assembly Variants
PCB Revision
Assembly Variant
Revision and Assembly Variant Description
First prototype, early release version of the AM64x EVM IO-Link and
High Speed Expansion Board. Implements both the breakout and IO-
Link sections of the board.
First prototype, early release version of the AM243x EVM High Speed
Expansion Board. Implements only the breakout section of the board.
First production release of the AM64x EVM IO-Link and High Speed
Expansion Board. Implements both the breakout and IO-Link sections
of the board.
First production release of the AM243x EVM High Speed Expansion
Board. Implements only the breakout section of the board.
1. The TMDS64D01EVM E1 boards do not have a sticker indicating the '001' assembly variant.
3 System Description
This IO-Link board/Breakout board has a 150-pin HSE connector and 20-pin ADC connector to mate with
AM64x and AM243x evaluation board. Additionally, the AM64x version of this board has eight M12 connectors to
execute IO-Link functionality.
Figure 3-1. TMDS64DC01EVM System Architecture
Revisions and Assembly Variants
TMDS64DC01EVM and TMDS243DC01EVM User's Guide
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