GUI Walkthrough Guide
Now the GUI has opened a connection to the Launchpad and the COM port remains in the drop down
menu box as shown below:
After the connection the Launchpad has been established and the GUI can be fully utilized. The remaining
sections give basic steps on how to use each of the GUI buttons and inputs.
C. Changing the I
C Address
The I
C address in this GUI is referenced with the Read and Write bit included. An address of 0xA8 is
represented in binary as 1010100Xb with the last bit being a 'don’t care'. Address 0xA8 and 0xA9 are both
interpreted as the same address.
The GUI indicates whether an I
C Nack is received by the Launchpad, by presenting a dialog box like
shown below:
SCDU004 – March 2013
TCA8424 Evaluation Module
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