Functional Description
SLAU723A – October 2017 – Revised October 2018
Copyright © 2017–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
1-Wire Master Module
2. Write the ONEWIREDATW register with one, two, or four bytes containing the mix of writes and reads.
For example, to write 0x46, 0x20, and then read 2 bytes, set size to word (SZ = 3) and write
ONEWIREDATW with 0xFFFF2046 to send the 0x46 and 0x20 and then read the last two bytes. On
completion, the ONEWIREDATR contains the read values in the upper two bytes. If RST is not set in
the ONEWIREDMA register, the transaction starts. If RST is set, the transaction starts when reset
completes. At the end of the operation, the µDMA is requested to transfer the data from the
ONEWIREDATR register (read).
3. When the µDMA is done, the DMA bit in the ONEWIRERIS register is set, allowing interrupt on
completion by µDMA, and the ONEWIREDMA register is cleared.
It is recommended to enable trigger interrupts for ERR and NOATR when using µDMA so application is
notified if reset or the transaction failed.
The natural model for using scatter-gather is:
1. Enable peripheral-scatter-gather in the µDMA module by programming the DMA Channel Control Word
(DMACHCTL) register.
2. Set the DMAOP to read (not read multiple) and enable scatter gather in the 1-Wire module by setting
the SG bit to 0x1 in the ONEWIREDMA register. This allows use of ONEWDATW register to push
through transactions, with µDMA request being triggered off completion, except for the first transaction.
3. Scatter gather can then use a combination of write and read as needed.
22.3.9 1-Wire Timing
The 1-Wire module wire control operates using the Precision Internal Oscillator (PIOSC) to provide a
reliable frequency with no need for baud dividers. The register interface operates using the system clock,
which may be a different clock source. However, there is no visible impact from this separate clock model.
Normal rules apply to use of the registers to ensure correct operation. In particular:
The control register is used live (not buffered) by the communication engine. Once an operation is
started, it must be allowed to finish before changes are made, such as starting a new operation or
changing speed. The status bits in the ONEWIRECS register notify the application if the transaction is
busy or if a line-hold-low error is detected. When the last write, read or read/write has occurred, the
OPC bit is set in the ONEWIRERIS register.
Data read by the 1-Wire Master is not valid or meaningful until the 1-Wire module signals that the data
is ready (through interrupt, DMA, and status).
Data written should be written before the operation is started and then should not be re-written until the
1-Wire module signals the data has been written (through interrupt, DMA, and status).
The 1-Wire Timing Override (ONEWIRETIM) register should not be changed while a transaction is
taking place.
The ONEWIREIM, ONEWIRERIS and ONEWIREMIS registers may be written and read at any time with
no risk.
22.4 Initialization and Configuration
The whole block may be enabled or disabled using the system control registers. The following example
shows how to enable, force a reset and send a command.
1. Enable the 1-Wire Module by writing a value of 0x0000.0001 to the 1-Wire Run Mode Clock Gating
Control (RCGCOWIRE) register in the System Control Module, see
2. Enable the clock to the appropriate GPIO port that is used for the 1-Wire signals using the General-
Purpose Input/Output Run Mode Clock gating Control (RCGCGPIO) in the System Control Module;
. To find out which GPIO port to enable, see and the device-specific data sheet.
3. In the GPIO module, enable the appropriate pin for its alternate function using the GPIO Alternate
Function Select (GPIOAFSEL) register (see
4. Configure the PMCn fields in the GPIOPCTL register to assign the 1-Wire signals to the appropriate
pins. See
and the device-specific data sheet.
5. Optionally enable interrupts to be notified when the transactions completes.
6. Write to the ONEWIREDATW register with the data to write (1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes).