MPU Interface
the same memory at the same time, priority is given to the DSP controllers. The
MPU domain access in SAM is synchronized to the internal DSP CPU clock,
which can add access latency for the MPU transfers.
HOM provides the MPU with exclusive access to the DSP SARAM or public
peripherals, primarily to support high-speed transfers from to DSP during DSP
reset or IDLE conditions. During DSP reset condition, HOM_M and HOM_P
are invoked. In HOM_M the MPUI interface does not have access to the
DARAM (0x000000 – 0x00FFFF), but it has access to all the SARAM
(0x010000 – 0x050000). The MPU must configure the MPUI_DSP_MPUI
CONFIG register to specify which blocks of SARAM are accessible in HOM
prior to access, because the reset default is for no SARAM access during
An additional condition is that in HOM_P only the MPU can access the DSP
peripheral bus.
HOM/SAM Change Outside of Reset
Only the DSP can invoke a HOM/SAM change outside of reset. The mode
change is initiated by a DSP write to HOM_P bit (bit 8) and HOM_R bit (bit 9)
of the ST3 register. The appropriate bit is written to request the SAM_M/
HOM_M or SAM_P/HOM_P change. The mode change is not reflected on bits
8 and 9 in ST3 until the internal controller has actually completed the mode
switch. Therefore, the DSP polls bits 8 and 9 after requesting a mode change
to ensure the mode change is complete.
The HOM_M/SAM_M and HOM_R/SAM_R status can be observed by the
MPU by reading the MPU_DSP_Status_Register (see Section 2.9, MPU
Interface, for details).
ST3—HOM_P Bit (Bit 8)
The host-only mode for peripherals (HOM_P) bit determines whether the
peripherals are owned only by the MPU or shared by the MPU and the DSP:
0: Off
Peripherals are shared by the MPU and the DSP. If you clear the HOM_P
bit, a request for sharing is sent to the peripheral domain controller. If the
peripheral domain controller clears the HOM_P bit, the clearing indicates
that the MPU no longer has exclusive ownership of the peripherals.
1: On
Peripherals are owned only by the MPU. If you set the HOM_P bit, a
request for HOM is sent to the peripheral domain controller. If the peripher-
al domain controller sets the HOM_P bit, the setting indicates that the
MPU has exclusive ownership of the peripherals.