6 MCT8316A GUI Application
The MCT8316AEVM includes a USB-UART interface, using a MSP430FR2355 microcontroller, that serves as
a communication bridge between a host PC and the MCT8316A device for configuring various device settings
and reading fault diagnostic information. A MCT8316A GUI is available to interface with and configure the
MCT8316A using this communication interface.
Access the
through the TI Cloud Gallery.
6.1 Running the GUI
The MCT8316A GUI can be run directly inside a web browser (supported in Google Chrome and Firefox).
Figure 6-1. MCT8316A GUI
Once the GUI is loaded, follow the step-by-step Guided Tuning section of the GUI to configure the device.
6.2 Offline Installer
Alternatively, the MCT8316A GUI can be downloaded and installed offline using the download feature in the TI
Cloud Gallery.
MCT8316A GUI Application
MCT8316AEVM Evaluation Module
SLLU340 – AUGUST 2021
Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated