SLVU574B – September 2011 – Revised July 2019
Copyright © 2011–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
DRV8803/04/05/06 Evaluation Module
Control Signals
The header J12 brings out all the control signals of the IC. For the pins that have multiple functionality
depending on the IC used, the various functions are labeled in a table. The correct functionality can be
ascertained from this table in the column corresponding to the IC being used. While the signals are being
driven using the on-board MCU, these pins can be used to monitor the signals. However, the user can
also apply external signals using this header. In such a case, the on-board MCU should be powered off by
de-populating the MCU_PWR jumper. This will ensure that the there is no conflict between the signals
applied externally and the signals being forced by the on-board MCU. If only a few signals are being
driven externally and the user wants to retain the on-board MCU for the remaining signals, the
corresponding resistors R12-R18 can be de-soldered to ensure that there is no conflict.
– If a jumper is applied at nFault (JP5), the LED (D4) will light in the case of a fault. Even if the
jumper is not applied, the voltage of the nFault can be monitored across the two pin headers (JP5 or
LDO Supply
– There is an LDO (TPS7A4001DGNT) on board that can regulate the VM voltage down to
3.3 V. This voltage (VDD) is used to power the on board MCU (MSP430F2617) and is also used as the
pull-up for the nFault pin. This voltage is used to light up the nFault LED. If a jumper is not applied to LDO
supply (JP6), the onboard MCU is no longer powered. If a jumper is not applied, the user must drive the
part using an external MCU by applying signals to the signal headers (J12), and the user must apply a
VDD to implement the nFault LED function. If a jumper is applied the onboard MCU is powered on and
can be used to drive the part.
If the user is applying an external VDD, please ensure that the jumpers JP6 (LDO Supply)
and JP4 (MCU_PWR) are de-populated.
- Applying a jumper at MCU PWR (JP4) enables the MSP430 and logic on the EVM. If the
jumper is not applied, the user must implement an MCU or apply signals to the signal headers (J12). If the
jumper is not applied nFault still receives VDD (3.3 V). If jumper at (JP4) is applied, MCU-RST works as a
manual reset button for the MCU.
Both JP4 and JP6 must be populated to enable the on board MCU and use the
DRV8803/04/05 EVM software.
– R8, R9, R10, R11 are resistors used to identify which device is being implemented on the
EVM (DRV8803, 04, 05 or 06). The MCU powers up based on these resistors. However, the GUI can be
used to select the device on the EVM too. If the user changes the DRV8803 to another flavor of the IC
(namely DRV8804/05/06) the appropriate tab in the GUI should be selected and ‘CONFIGURE DEVICE’
should be selected.