The Windows Application
SLVU574B – September 2011 – Revised July 2019
Copyright © 2011–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
DRV8803/04/05/06 Evaluation Module
Figure 26. DRV8805 Tab
The DRV8805 tab contains a diagram of the device which includes pin control and information about
control signals including: nENBL, RESET, SM1, SM0, DIR, and STEP. It also includes corresponding
controls to these pins (Enable Motor button, Reset button, Motor Direction radio buttons, Microstepping
radio buttons, and Pulse 1 step button).
Stepper control is implemented by controls in group boxes including: Motor Control, Speed Control, and
Acceleration control.
The DRV8805 tab also contains a look up table detailing the functionality of pins SM1 and SM0.