DRV10987 EVM Kit Contents
SLOU476 – August 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
DRV10987 Evaluation Module User's Guide
DRV10987 EVM Kit Contents
The DRV10987 evaluation kit contains the following:
DRV10987 EVM board
USB2ANY communication board for I
C GUI interaction
USB cable
10-pin ribbon cable to connect the USB2ANY and DRV10987 EVM
The DRV10987 EVM boards and GUI are designed to work together to evaluate the device features.
The DRV10987 EVM is a complete solution for evaluating the DRV10987 12-V or 24-V, three-phase
sensorless BLDC motor drivers. Device evaluation and configuration for specific applications is possible
with the provided DRV10987 EVM GUI. This document describes the kit details and explains the functions
and locations of test points, jumpers, and connectors present on the kit. This document is also a quick-
start guide for using the GUI to tune a motor for application. For detailed information about the operating
modes of the DRV10987 device, refer to the
DRV10987 12- to 24-V, Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC
Figure 1. DRV10987 EVM