Appendix A
SLUUBA7A – April 2015 – Revised July 2015
Log Files
Log File Information
Each log file produced by the GUI contains information for a single evaluation module in the stack of
bq76PL455EVMs connected to the host controller PC. This Appendix section provides detail and sample
data for a log file produced by the GUI.
A log file produced by the GUI is in .tsv format. The name for this file may be chosen, or it can
automatically be generated by the GUI. If the name user-created, provide a full path and name for the file.
If the GUI automatically generates the file name, the format of the name is
, and
the file is stored in the default directory specified upon the initial GUI installation. The dynamic portions of
the automatic GUI-generated file name have the following meanings:
yy: last two digits of the year in which file was generated
mm: two-digit month in which the file was generated
dd: two-digit day of the month on which file was generated
hh: hour, in 24-hour format, at which logging began
mm: minute at which the logging began
ss: second at which the logging began
SLUUBA7A – April 2015 – Revised July 2015
Log Files
Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated