Calibration Screen
When a check is next to | AutoExport |, the AutoExport is in progress. The same menu selection is used
to turn on/off AutoExport.
If the data flash screen is blank, then the bq3050 that is being used may not be supported by the
bqEVSW version that is being used. An upgrade may be required.
Calibration Screen
How to Calibrate
The bq3050 must be calibrated using power supplies or a power supply and cell simulation resistors (300
or less) before cells are attached. Before the bq3050 is calibrated:
Connect and measure a 2-A current source from 1N (
) and Pack (
) to calibrate without using the
FETs (calibration using the FETs is not recommended).
Measure each cell voltage.
Measure the temperature of the pack.
Whether the foregoing steps are necessary depends on the type of calibration being performed.
To Calibrate the bq3050
To calibrate the bq3050, do the following:
Select the types of calibration to be performed.
Enter the measured values for the types selected (except for CC Offset Calibration).
If Temperature Calibration is selected, select the sensor that is to be calibrated.
Click the appropriate button to initiate the desired calibration.
Board Offset Calibration
This performs the offset calibration for the current offset of the board.
Remove any current source, load, or external voltage from the PACK terminals.
Click the Software Board Offset Calibration button.
Pack Voltage Calibration
This calibrates the voltage at the AFE Pack pin.
Ensure that Voltage Calibration has been performed for the pack. If Voltage Calibration is not performed,
then Pack Voltage Calibration calibrates incorrectly.
Remove load/external voltage applied between Pack+ and Pack
Click the Pack Voltage button to calibrate.
bq3050EVM SBS 1.1 Compliant Advanced Gas Gauge Battery Management SLUU532A
November 2011
Revised December 2011
Solution EVM
2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated