EVM Software
SNVU564A – July 2017 – Revised August 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Using the BOOST-LP5569EVM Evaluation Module
once). The program start address can be programmed into the Program Counter (PC) register. The
program counter is reset to zero when the upper limit value of the PC is reached.
Halt—In this mode, instruction execution aborts immediately and engine operation halts. Execution can
be continued if the operation mode is set to Run again.
Run Mode for Engines 1, 2, and 3
Each LED engine has four execution modes. The execution mode is selected by clicking one of the four
push-buttons. Functions of the buttons from left to right are:
Hold—Engine execution is stopped. The current instruction is executed and then execution stops.
Step—Execute the instruction at the location pointed to by the program counter, increment the program
counter by 1 and then reset ENG1_EXEC bits to 00 (enter the hold mode).
Free Run—Start program execution from the instruction pointed to by the program counter.
Execute Once—Execute the instruction pointed to by the current program counter value and reset.
ENG1_EXEC to 00 (for example, enter Hold mode). The difference between Step and Execute Once is
that Execute Once does not increment the program counter.
2.12 Control View – Code Memory Tab
Code Memory
tab on the control view provides the interfaces to read or write data from or to SRAM
Figure 34. Code Memory Tab
The code memory tab supports read/write to a single page or read/write of all pages. These operations
are described in the following list:
Read Page—A single page can be read from the device. Select the row of the desired page and click
Read Page
Write Page—A single page can be written to the device. Select the row of the desired page and click
Write Page
Read All Pages—All pages from 0 to 15 can be read by clicking the
Read All Pages
Write All Pages — All pages from 0 to 15 can be written by clicking the
Write All Pages
2.13 Control View – Source Edit Tab
Source Edit
tab on the control view provides the interfaces to create or edit a source file and compile.