Figure 6-17. EVM in functional mode using standalone operation
EVM uses single UART port for both device configuration and processed data communication to PC.
6.12 Flashing the Board
1. Ensure the drivers have been successfully installed and COM ports enumerated.
2. Configure the SOP to flashing mode.
3. Press the reset switch to ensure that the board boots up in the right mode.
4. Run the visualizer and use the flashing tab and follow the instruction or use Uniflash tool.
5. Enter the application port number for the flashing interface.
6. Load image to serial flash. Please refer mmWave SDK for the flash binary for running out of box demos.
6.13 DCA1000EVM Mode
The setup for raw data capture using DCA1000EVM is shown in
XWRL6432BOOST Antenna
IWRL6432BOOST/AWRL6432BOOST EVM: FR4-Based Low Power 60 GHz
mm-Wave Sensor EVM User Guide
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