ADS8910BEVM-PDK Operation
SBAU268 – July 2016
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Figure 14. Linearity Analysis Tool
Reference Settling Analysis
The ADS8910B ADC has an integrated reference buffer that is optimized to drive the reference of the
ADC at the maximum possible load presented by the ADC. The buffer helps in maintaining the ADC
reference within 1 LSB of its nominal voltage during burst mode of data conversion. This requirement
applies from the very first sample captured in each burst. The Reference Settling tool helps showcase this
performance of the ADC. Provide a low-noise dc differential input to the ADC. Set the parameters for the
Reference Settling test. The various test parameters are:
Samples: This parameter defines the number of consecutive samples to be captured in a single burst.
Min Interset Delay (ms): This parameter defines the time interval between two consecutive bursts. No
ADC conversion activity takes place in this time.
Number of sets to average: This parameter defines number of bursts to capture that are averaged to
arrive at the Reference Settling number.
Initial samples to ignore: This parameter defines the number of samples to ignore in each burst from
the beginning.
The tool captures the defined number of burst captures and performs the vertical averaging on the burst
mode data. The difference between maximum and minimum codes from the averaged data defines the
Reference Settling error.