Connecting to FPGA Platforms
Connecting to FPGA Platforms
The ADS62PXX EVM provides several connection options to use the EVM with various FPGA
development platforms and FPGA-based capture boards. The ADC features two output options, a DDR
LVDS which interfaces with a TSW1200 capture card, and a CMOS output which interfaces with a
TSW1100 capture card.
TSW1200 Capture Board
The TSW1200 board can be used to analyze the performance of the EVM. The TSW1200EVM is a circuit
board that assists designers in prototyping and evaluating the performance of high-speed ADCs that
feature parallel or serialized LVDS outputs. The TSW1200 has the LVDS 100
termination resistor on the
input interface for ADC outputs. To start the TSW1200 software, note the following points. Users should
consult the TSW1200 documentation for configuration details.
Figure 8. TSW1200 GUI Introduction
1. Select the ADC type to be used before capturing.
2. For test, select Single Tone FFT plot.
3. For the ADC Sampling Rate, type in the value.
4. Type in the ADC Input Frequency. Auto calculation of the input frequency depends on the FFT record
length. As soon as the number is entered, the software calculates the coherent input frequency
corresponding to that FFT length. This frequency signal must be supplied through the signal generator.
5. Select the FFT Record Length.
6. Select Capture to obtain the plot
7. The Continuous Capture option is used if the user wants to continuously capture the FFT.
Adjust the input level signal to attain a dBFS value of approximately –1.
SLAU237B – May 2008 – Revised July 2010
Copyright © 2008–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated