Basic Maintenance
Accumulator charging:
During portable use of radon probe is essential to monitor state of internal accumulator and recharge it if
necessary. If accumulator is discharged the probe automatically turns off. The probe is switched on again
powering USB port. Current state of accumulator can be determined in three ways:
By LED diode ´STAT´
- If LED starts blinking in green-yellow color it indicates that system is working
incorrectly and one of main case is low voltage of accumulator. (see paragraph
Operation Manual /
LED diode “STAT””
2) On wireless Central Unit display
Symbol "#" on left edge of display second line means that
accumulator voltage is low.
3) In TERAview and usbRADONview application - where you can check current accumulator voltage.
Voltage should not fall below 3.5 V, in limit conditions falls below 3.3V.
Accumulator is charged via USB port using supplied USB cable. USB cable can be connected to PC or to
supplied power adapter.
Dehumidifier replacing
For correct measuring and low consumption the probe has to work in environment with relative humidity
max up to 90%. In places with higher humidity it is needed to insert 1 dehumidifier into 2 chambers of
probes. For inserting dehumidifier to probe is necessary to screw and disassemble 2. and 3. chamber from
the bottom; see picture in chapter2. If the relative humidity of environment is above 90% and temperature
10 °C the change interval of dehumidifier is
6 weeks. Humid dehumidifier is possible to use repeatedly after
drying it up in oven with 210
°C for
1 hour.
The temperature cannot be over 230°C.
EC Declaration of Conformity
EC Declaration of Conformity will be delivered by Tesla producer on request. If interested, please use
contacts on the web
Any repairs and non basic maintenance must be performed exclusively by TESLA manufacturer.
Podebradska 56/186
180 66 Prague 9
This product is covered by warranty of 24 months from purchase date.
In case of warranty claim, please contact our Service Department.
Warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship and excludes any damage resulting from
or caused by transport or handling or by any misuse.
Warranty ceases if product has been used improperly or its seal is broken.
In case of warranty claim, warranty period is prolonged by number of days product was undergoing
warranty repairs.
After the end of its life, product must be handled as e-waste.
Radon Probe accessories are available at producer
Reserve antenna
Revision History
Initial release