Description and Utilization
TSR3D is designed for continuous measuring of radon concentrations in buildings and results are also
shown on display.
Portable probe basis is a measuring chamber with a semiconductor detector. Radon enters the chamber
by diffusion through the input filter on the bottom of probe. The probe measures in autonomous and time
continuous way. It processes results every 4-minute intervals and from this counts short-term moving
average of radon concentration ( 1 hour moving average - average of 15 4-minute process intervals). It also
counts long-term moving average of radon concentration ( 24 hours moving average). The probe saves time
records of these radon concentration values including values of humidity and temperature within its
internal memory (typically at an interval of 1 hour). Next saved value is time record of measuring energy
spectrum (typically at an interval of 12 hours). All results are shown on display as well see paragraph
´Display Operation´.
The probe is random for location in measured place, but generally it is put on the bottom of the probe.
Bottom of the probe cannot be covered. The probe can be switched on/off by switch. LEDs „STAT“ a
„CHRG“ indicate current status of probe see ´Operation manual´ below.
The resulting values can be downloaded continuously during measurement or at once at the end of
measurement. Data from the radon probe is downloaded to a PC directly via USB interface. Capacity of
internal memory is almost unlimited.