Operating Manual Crawler Excavator TC37
Safety and Accident Prevention
2.19 Change of work attachments,
maintenance, repair
Earth-moving machines are only to be converted,
maintained or serviced under the guidance of a
suitable person designated by the plant operator and
following the manufacturer’s Operating Instructions.
After every change of work attachments, the driver
must convince himself that the quick-attach system is
correctly fastened and locked
Work on e.g.
– braking,
– steering,
– hydraulic and
– electric systems
of the machine is only to be carried out by expert
personnel specially trained in these areas.
Stability must be ensured during all type of work on
the machine at all times.
The machine must be suitably secured by chocks so
that it cannot roll away whenever work is performed,
particularly under the machine.
The work equipment must be secured against
movement by lowering it to the ground or equivalent
measures, e.g. cylinder supports, trestles. As long as
the engine is running, the unprotected working range
must not be entered.
When jacking up earth-moving machines, jacking
devices must be positioned so that they cannot slip.
Jacks must be positioned and applied absolutely
straight, without tilting.
Raised earth-moving machines must be supported by
suitable structures such as crosswise stacks of
planks, square timbers or steel trusses.
Earth-moving machines which are raised with work
equipment must be stabilized by a supporting
structure immediately after lifting. Work under raised
machines which are only supported by their
hydraulics is forbidden.
The engine/motor(s) must be turned off prior to all
maintenance and repair work. These requirements
may only be ignored in the case of maintenance or
repair work which cannot be performed without the
engine/motor(s) running.
When performing maintenance and repair work on
the hydraulic system, the hydraulic system must be
relieved of pressure. With the engine turned off, lower
the work equipment to the ground and actuate all
hydraulic control levers until there is no more
pressure in the hydraulic system.
• Before working on the electrics or when
performing arc-welding on the machine, the
connection to the battery must be disconnected.
• When disconnecting the battery, first the negative
pole then the positive pole must be disconnected.
The battery must be re-connected in reverse
• During repair work around the battery, it must be
covered with insulating material. Tools should
never be placed on or near the battery.
Protective devices of moving machine parts are only
to be opened or removed after the drive has been
switched off and cannot be switched on again by
unauthorized persons. Protective devices are e.g.
engine/motor covers, doors, protective grating, trim.
Upon completion of assembly, maintenance or repair
work, all protective devices must once more be
attached in the proper manner.
Load-bearing parts of earth-moving machines are
only to be welded following consultation with the
manufacturer and in accordance with recognized
welding principles.
Protective structures (ROPS; FOPS) are not to be
welded or drilled in any way.
Alterations, such as welding of the hydraulic system,
are only to be undertaken with the manufacturer’s
Before commencing work on the hydraulic system,
the operating pressure, pilot pressure, back pressure
and pressure inside the tank must be let off.
Swallowing lubricants as well as long and repeated
skin contact can be hazardous to health and should
therefore be avoided. When used properly, there is no
particular danger to health. The safety specification
sheets from the mineral companies must be
Only the hoses specified by the manufacturer may be
Hydraulic hoses must be routed and assembled by
expert personnel.
In the vicinity of fuel or batteries, smoking and naked
flames are prohibited.