Figure 2-3 Block Diagram of CapSense Matrix Button Keypad
2 .3
2 .3
Pow e r-up
t he
Ca pSe nse
M at rix
But t on
Ke ypa d
Pow e r-up t he Ca pSe nse M at rix But t on Ke ypa d
The CapSense Matrix Button Keypad comes with a preloaded factory configuration to demonstrate
the features of the board. The factory configurations allow users to see quickly if the board is
working properly. To power-up the board:
1. Connect the USB A to Mini-B cable to a USB (Type A) host port and to the board. The power
LED (D17) should immediately turn on. Alternatively, the board can be powered on by connecting
the board using the portable battery-powered USB connector.
Note: Users can also power-on the board by connecting a MiniProg Programming unit to the ISSP
Programming header.
2. Touch the CapSense button as the corresponding LED will glow indicating which button you
are touching. Also, a buzzer sound will activate whenever a button is pressed.