The canopy’s fastening is connected to the
Nordic tipi’s porch sleeve. The eyelet and
cord are used when the canopy is put up
as a freestanding shelter, see the pictures
on the opposite page.
The canopy’s Velcro fastening is designed to fit tent size 7.
A canopy adapter for mounting the canopy to a size 5 tent is
available as an extra accessory, see the picture above. For
size 9, the canopy is mounted furthest to the right on the
porch sleeve.
Canopy 5/7 is mounted using a telescope
pole and a cord and is tightened using
another four cords.
Canopy 7/9 is mounted using three telescope poles plus cords
and is tightened using two or four more cords.
1. Attach the canopy to the porch sleeve. The
Nordic tipi in the picture is size 9. In this example,
the canopy is mounted on the right so that rain
water is led away from the tent opening.
2. The eyelet at the front end
of the canopy is pulled over the
end of a telescope pole and the
cord is pegged to the ground.
Canopy 7/9 has three poles .
3. The other cords are
pegged to the ground too.
Adjust and tighten so that
the canopy is positioned
against the tent.
Mounting the canopy
onto the Nordic tipi
Before using the product, please read “Care instructions, hints and advice” which is found on the memory stick that was included when you purchased your tent.
The canopy is not intended to resist strong winds and snow. The exceptional storm resistance of a Tentipi® Adventure Nordic
tipi is maintained by the canopy being designed so that it can easily be removed in bad weather.