11N Wireless Broadband Router
URL Filter: Check to enable URL filter.
Access Policy: Select one number from the drop-down
Enable: Check to enable the access policy.
Clear the Policy: Click “Clear” button to clear all
settings for the policy.
Filter Mode: Click one radio button to enable or disable
to access the Internet.
Policy Name: Enter a name for the access policy
Start/End IP: Enter the starting/ending IP address.
URL Strings: Specify the text strings or keywords
needed to be filtered. If any part of the URL contains
these strings or words, the web page will not be
accessible and displayed.
Times: Select the time range of client filter.
Days: Select the day(s) to run the access policy.
10.3 MAC Address Filter
In order to manage the computers in the network better, you
could control the computer’s access to Internet by MAC
Address Filtering.