TEN Automotive Equipment Ltd.
Page 26
Version 5.0 November 2010
14 System diagnosis
From the Petrol menu you can select the System diagnosis item. This program menu is used for troubleshooting
should an error occur in system status or if it's necessary to perform system tests such as O2 sensor check during a
replacement cell installation.
System information
This item shows the status of most systems components and
determines whether they are functioning or a gas calibration is
required, etc. If an error has occurred and the MOT test or
Standard test is blocked, then the system information status
check will indicate red where there has been a problem. If
necessary, repeat the specific system test as indicated.
Gasbench information
This program displays all relevant information of the installed
infrared gas bench, i.e. the revision number, version and PEF.
The PEF is necessary for the calculation from propane to
hexane during calibration. The PEF of the INNOVA 3000
varies according to the propane value used for calibration.
Type in the propane value in the edit box and press the Enter
key. The corresponding PEF is immediately displayed on
screen. The service counter shows how many times the
Innova has been calibrated. This counter is incremented
automatically every time the Innova is calibrated and cannot
be reset.