TP-8/16/24/32/64S User Manual Version No.: V1.2
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take effect.
6.2.9 SNMP-related Parameter Setting Command Set
Command to enable or disable snmp setting
#manage/snmp> switch { parameter }
This command is to turn on or off the snmp module. The parameter only can be “on” or “off“. “on”
means to turn on snmp function; and “off” means to turn off snmp function.
#manage/snmp> switch on
Command to add community
set { parameter1
}{ parameter2} { parameter3}
The command with two parameters is used to add community. Parameter 1 refers to the name of the
community being going to be added, and parameter 2 refers to the rights of community, the right only
can be “ro” or “rw”. “ro” indicates that community only has the right to read, while “rw” indicates that
it has the right of both writing and reading. Parameter 3 is an IP address, showing the community only
can be visited via that IP. This parameter is not essential. Absence of it means the community can use
any IP.
#manage/snmp> community set public rw
Community deletion command
#manage/snmp> community delete { parameter }
This command is used to delete system’s community. Parameter is the name of deleted community.
Command to display all community information
#manage/snmp> community list
This command displays all community information in the system, including name of community, right,
and the IP designated to be visited.
Command for setting snmp proxy port
#manage/snmp> agent port { parameter }
This command is to set the proxy port. Its defaulted number is “162”. Parameter is the number of the
proxy port planned to be set.
#manage/snmp> proxy port 161
Command to enable or disable trap
#manage/snmp> trap switch { parameter }
This command is adopted to turn on or turn off trap function of snmp. Parameter only can be “on” or
“off”. “on” means to turn on trap function; and “off” means to turn it off.
#manage/snmp> trap switch on
Command for setting trap-related parameters