If “Edit or Add” is selected and the FN key pressed the following is displayed:
When this screen is entered, the cursor will be flashing on the “nn” field
which represents which of the possible 00-99 Argos ID’s is to be edited.
The UP and DN keys are used to select which of the 99 possible ID places
is to be edited. After selection, pressing the FN key will advance the
highlight to the first “x” position. This position is for the first number of
the Argos assigned ID number. (Leading “0” must be entered.) The UP
and DN keys are used to change this number between 0 and 9. Pressing the FN key will advance the
cursor to the next “x” position. Continue in this manner until the decimal Argos ID number is input.
Pressing the FN key will take the cursor to the first “x” of the Hex line. The Hex ID Code as assigned
by Argos is input into the HEX fields using the UP and DN keys to change the number between 0 and
F. The FN key is used to advance to the next position. After the last position is input, pressing the FN
key will return the user to the “Edit 28 ID’s” position of the Menu Level 1 screen. The same steps are
followed to input additional ID codes (assigning them subsequent “nn” ID place numbers) or “Exit” is
selected to return to Menu Level 2.
Line 1
ID#nn xxxxxx
Line 2
Hex xxxxxxxx
Line 3
UP/DN Select
Line 4
FN Advances
B. Edit Id Fltr
The ID Filter allows the user to select whether the receiver should receive and display all incoming
messages or just selected messages (maximum of 9). “Edit Id Fltr” is selected by highlighting the
feature and pressing the FN key. The following display appears:
Choices are Exit, Erase All, or Edit or Add.
Line 1
Edit Id Fltr
Line 2
Line 3
UP/DN Toggle
Line 4
FN to Set
If the user selects “Exit” it takes you back to the Main Level 2 screen.
If the user selects “Erase All”, it erases all Id’s from the filter table and returns you to the main screen.
If the user selects “Edit or Add”, then it takes you to the following Edit Id TaBLe screen:
ID#x is which ID code is being edited.
Xxxxxx is the decimal Argos ID Code.
UP/DN keys advance the highlighted number between 0 and 9
FN Advances to the next position.
Line 1
ID #x
Line 2
Line 3
UP/DN Change
Line 4
FN Advances
The highlight starts with the “x” immediately following the ID#. Using the UP and DN keys select
which of 9 possible ID’s will be filtered for. Pressing the FN key advances the highlight to the first
“x” of the second line. This line is where the ID Code of interest is entered using the UP and DN keys
to adjust the digit and the FN key to advance to the next place. The ID Codes that are entered define
which numbers the receiver will receive and process. For example if ID#1 is 2345 and ID#2 is 34567,
then only transmissions with one of these ID numbers will be displayed. All other ID codes will be
received and ignored. After advancing to the final x, an additional press of the FN key accepts the
numbers and returns to the “Edit Id Fltr” page. Select the “Exit” choice and press the FN key to return
to the Menu Level 2 screen.
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