32 Elkay Dr., Chester, New York 10918 (845) 469-4551
Tele Vue
V i s i o n a r y
Included Parts
•Head: Gibraltar HD5 or HD4 Head with stud (Sky Tour version has altitude and azimuth encoders.)
•Head Small-Parts: see image right. •Mount: Wood Tripod •Wood Tray
Gibraltar™ HD5 and HD4 are alt-azimuth mounts designed for Tele Vue’s 5” refractors (e.g,
NP127is) and 4” and smaller refractors (e.g. NP101is, & TV-85), respectively. We recommend the
Sky Tour Computer and Eyepiece Caddy Set for maximum viewing pleasure.
The Gibraltar HD Mount Heads cradle the telescope at its center of gravity to make operation smooth
and easy. To achieve smoothest operation it is important to have the telescope properly balanced in its
mount ring and the altitude and azimuth tension knobs providing minimal drag.
The tripod legs can position the cradle height from 3.5- to 5-feet. The triangular accessory tray adds
extra stability to the tripod.
Gibraltar HD mounts are ideal, travel-friendly, mounts for quick, convenient terrestrial and astronomi
cal viewing, even at 200+ power.
Do not remove the mount head and half-pillar without first removing the telescope. Fail-
ure to remove the telescope will cause the telescope, half-pillar, and mount head to fall off the mount.
Tripod Setup
Please refer to the diagrams for part nomenclature.
• Remove tripod from box. If setting up on soil, twist the rubber tips at the bottom of each leg
up to fully expose the metal spikes. On finished or hard surfaces, twist the rubber tips down to
fully cover the metal spikes.
• Use the leg-spread tension-levers, attached to the mount base, to adjust tension on the
legs to allow them to spread out slightly. Levers can be repositioned by pulling away from
legs and rotating. Place the tripod standing on a level surface. Leave the legs un-extended.
• Make sure the safety chain is attached to each tripod leg (see
Additional Notes
). Loos-
en the leg-extension lock knob on each leg and raise the tripod to the desired height. Then
lock the knobs. You can use the index marks on the legs to ensure even extension. Next,
spread the legs out to the limit of the chain.
• Remove the triangle tripod tray from its box. The corners of the tray have a half-clamp
that snaps onto a roll pin installed on each leg’s tray bracket. Place the tray between the legs
of the tripod and put the half-clamp from one corner above one of the roll pins. Press down
over the half-clamp to snap it into place. Snap the other two sides of the tray onto the roll
pins, in the same manner, pulling the tripod legs in as necessary. Removal of the tray is ac
complished by pushing up at each corner of the tray from below -- where it attaches to each
roll pin.
• At the tripod base, tighten each leg-spread tension-lever to keep the mount from wobbling.
• Check the bubble level on the tripod base to see if it is close to level – it doesn’t have to be perfect – just suffi
ciently levelled so the telescope swings smoothly in any azimuth (left-right) orientation. If leveling is required, it is easiest
to collapse a leg than to extend one. Holding the leg with one hand, loosen the leg-extension lock-knob just enough so
you can draw the leg up with the other hand.
Mount-Head Install
• Inside the mount head box, locate the mount head with attached threaded stud, half-
pillar (cylinder), and half-pillar end-cap (disk with hole). Note that the pillar end-cap has a flat
side and a side with a grooved edge.
• The tripod comes with an end-cap, flat side down, on top of the mount base. The stud
coupling nut rests on top of this. Place the half-pillar on top of the end-cap resting on the
mount base. The other top end-cap, is already locked onto the bottom of the baseplate.
Lower the mount head so the stud makes contact with the coupling nut. With one hand, hold
the mount’s yoke baseplate while twisting the star lock knob, below the base, at the end of
the threaded rod with the other hand. This will pull the mount head down onto the half-pillar
and form a solid connection, when locked.
• Adjust the azimuth tension knob until there is a slight amount of tension. Place the cradle
in approximately level position as indicated by the altitude alignment marks (drilled hole on
one of the side altitude bearings, forming two semi-circles). Tighten the vertical tension knobs.
Telescope Install on Gib HD5
• Tele Vue’s 5” scopes with 5” Mount Ring Set MRS-5000. Unscrew the bat handles sup
plied with the Ring Set to remove the top rings and plate. Fasten base plate with bottom rings
to the underside of the mount cradle using the four ¼-20 button head screws supplied. Level
the cradle and tighten the vertical tension knobs. Place the scope into the bottom rings. Replace the top-half of the Ring
Set and reinstall the bat handles to secure the scope.