iRIS8 - Addressable Fire Alarm Panel
– Installer Programming
4.8.4. Outputs
Press the
OUTPUTS button. This is a menu for disabling/enabling the operation of the panel’s outputs, physically based
on the main control PCB. The user can change the operation status of Sounder, Fire Brigade, Fault and Fire Protection
outputs, and also the Relay outputs 1-4 located on the relay PCB.
By default, the operation of all panel’s outputs is Enabled.
Every pressing of the button changes the operation status
Enabled/Disabled. All changes must be confirmed with
Apply button.
The disabled for operation panel’s outputs Sounder, Fire
Brigade and Fire Protection are displayed with special
status icons
In case of a disabled output, the panel generates a
message in the events list and the DISABLE LED is
lighting on the front panel.
A disabled output will not react to system/activation
Press EXIT button to return back to DISABLE menu. Use MENU button for returning back to Main Screen.
4.9. Software Revision
This is a menu for reviewing the current set software of the main CPU and the firmware revision of the panel.
To review the software version or the panel, enter MAINTENANCE - SOFTWARE REVISION menu.
The screen displays the current set software revision of the Repeater panel. Press EXIT button to return back to
Maintenance menus.
Performing Firmware Update of iRIS8 Panel
To perform a firmware update of your iRIS8 panel, download the last published firmware version (BIN file) from the
manufacturer’s official web site: or ask your local distributer of the equipment.
It is recommended first to save the system configuration with ProsTE software as TDF (Teletek Data File) file to your
local computer. (Open ProsTE, select SYSTEM, right button of the mouse to add TFT REPEATER PANEL, perform
READ operation, save the loaded configuration.)
Note: The Firmware update of the iRIS8 panel will not change the current system configuration, user codes,
language and other menu settings!
To perform the firmware update do as follows:
1. Save the file (with BIN extension) for the last actual firmware version to your local computer.
2. Save your system configuration using ProsTE software.
3. At iRIS8, enter SYSTEM
– MAINTENANCE – SOFTWARE REVISION submenu. The screen displays the
current set software revision of the panel.
4. Connect the panel to the computer using USB cable: Normal A to Micro B type.
5. Wait for the message from Windows Explorer for found new Removable Disk.
6. Use the Windows Explorer file manager to copy the new file for update (with BIN extension) in Removable
Disk directory.
7. When the copying of the file completes, remove the Removable Disk, as select Eject option from its
dialogue box (right click with the mouse over it).
8. If the data in the BIN file are correct, the panel starts the firmware update procedure of the main microprocessor.
“Saving … Please Wait…”
with processing bar are displayed during the update.
9. Disconnect the USB cable and wait until saving of the configuration is complete
– a long sound signal will
announce for completing.
10. The panel will reset itself automatically after a successful firmware update loading automatically Access Level 1.