Dear Costumer,
ISP Alarm Annunciator has been manufactured by TELEPRO ENERGY in Turkey.All functional tests of device that you
purchased are verified by our technical department. ISP Alarm Annunciator has 2 years warranty against manufacturing
faults.Before performing any electrical connection ,PLEASE Check the ISP Typical wiring at the back side.
Have a good work.
Your respectfully,
Contens of product package
1 Pc. ISP Alarm Annunciator
1 Pc. Front panel frame
3 Pcs. Connection terminale-10 input
1 Pc. Connection terminale-3 input (just for one having communication option)
4 Pcs. Board connection equipment to be used for two side fixation.
UnPlug “A” terminal ( Input 1-8) and “B” terminal (Input 9-16 )
Plug in “K” terminal (Supply and relay output)
After Pluged “K” ternimal, ISP runs startup self test procedure
- Selft test steps are as follows;
IV-a- In the first step, all leds are solid green
IV-b- In the second step, all leds are solid red
IV-c- In the third step, Input channel leds turn off ,
IV-d- Internal buzzer sounds once
In order to enter config mode ; Press Test Button and Horn buton together for 3 sec.
- After 3 sec.
First input channel led blinks in 4Hz
Other input channels leds are off
“Horn/Silent” led turns off and safe/Fail
led blinks green in 4Hz
Press Horn Button to setup alarm output type (Horn or Bell ) for input channel 1 while this led blinks red in this
step. When pressing Horn Button, colour of channel 1 led changes to blinking green. (Blinking Red means Horn Output /
Blinking green means Bell Output)
Press Test Button to skip to the next input channel. When pressing test buton, next channel led blinks red.
Press Ack Button to save input ch. settings or Press Reset Button to cancel configuration settings. When pressing
Ack Button, ISP will save your configuration and restart itself.
! If any button is not pressed for 60 sec in config mode, then ISP returns to the latest working Process Mode
Picture1-Gently hold and unlock front
panel frame at one side as shown
Picture2-Remove front panel frame
from the unit
Picture3-Insert tag label into slots
as seen below
Ferhatpaşa Mah. 99.Sok. No:46/5 ATAŞEHİR
Telefon : +(90) 216 469 73 73 Faks : +(90) 216 469 73 74
www.telepro.com.tre-posta : [email protected]
Alarm Annunciator