Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 133
PC - Built-In Tests
Allow the user to view the values of sensor data used in Doppler processing and to iden-
tify the source of the data IDs.
nnn = 0, 2, 20, 4, 40, 5, 50
PC0 displays the help menu. PC1 and PC3 are reserved for TRDI use. PC2 continuously
displays at approximately 1 sec update the current system temperature, pressure, depth,
heading, pitch and roll. The sensor ID corresponding to their source is displayed next to
each. Refer to the EY command for a list of sensors. The source of the data is assigned by
the EZ and the EY commands or internal logic if the primary sensor is not available. See
EY – Sensor Source Override for Doppler Parameters
for a description of that logic. PC4 dis-
plays the input power information.
See below.
PC2 or PC20
The PC2 test updates the data inline using cursor commands, and the PC20 test performs the same test,
but output the data in a line-by-line fashion to accommodate terminals that do not properly support cur-
sor commands.
Sensor data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
The number to the right of each backslash indicates the ID of the
sensor used for that data.
Press any key to exit the loop.
Temp(degC) Press(kPa) Depth(m) Hdg(deg) Pitch(deg) Roll(deg) Vin
/ 24.94/10 99.063/10 10.104/10 0.00/0 0.18/10 0.59/10 47.58
The transducer should be in water when running the PC2 test.
PC4 or PC40
The PC4 test updates the data inline using cursor commands, and the PC40 test performs the same test,
but output the data in a line-by-line fashion to accommodate terminals that do not properly support cur-
sor commands.
Battery ADC data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
Press any key to exit the loop.
Count Chan0 Chan1 Chan2 Chan3 Chan4 Chan5 Vbatt Ibatt VDD1 VDD3 Vlsu Vlsl
/ 4 05c6 0428 068f 0095 0d31 0b82 20.58 2.046 1.64 0.09 2.06 1.80
Variable Leader Data Format, bytes 35 to 42 for a description of the ADC