Pathfinder DVL Guide
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 103
Expert Bottom Track Commands
This section lists the expert Bottom Track commands. Commands that start with the # sign are considered
“expert” commands.
Available Commands:
#B1 0 ---------------------- Blank Range with Bad Velocity [0..1]
#B2 0 ---------------------- Depth Memory Timeout [0=off, 1-30s]
#BA 024 -------------------- Amplitude Threshold [0..255]
#BB 0005 ------------------- Blanking distance (cm)
#BC 220 -------------------- Correlation Threshold [0..255]
#BE 1000 ------------------- Error Velocity Threshold [0-9999mm/s]
#BF 00000 ------------------ Depth Guess [0=Auto, 1-MaxAlt dm]
#BH 105,180 ---------------- Gain Switch Threshold (0-255cnts:lo;hi)
#BI 005 -------------------- Gain Switch Altitude (meters)
#BJ 100000000 -------------- Data Out {t;c;*;h;r;n;*;*;*}
#BK 0 ---------------------- WMass Mode [0=off 1=WB 2=LostB 3=W]
#BL 80,160,240
------------- WMass Params [min, near, far (dm)]
#BM 8 ---------------------- Bottom Mode [8,9,10]
#BN 0,999 ------------------ Speed Log Hold/Drop Control
#BO 025 -------------------- Distance Accum. Filter Tau (1/100ths)
#BQ -32768 ----------------- Set outvel when over range limit (mm/s)
#BS ------------------------ Clear Distance Traveled
#BY 20 --------------------- Transmit Length (pct)
#BZ 1 ---------------------- Low Altitude Mode [0=off, 1=ON]
#B? ------------------------ Display #B-Command Menu
#B1 - Blank Range with Bad Velocity
Sets the Bottom Track range to zero whenever velocity correlation drops below the mini-
mum magnitude.
#B1 n
Correlation Magnitude Minimum is set via the CE or #CE command.
n = 0 to 1
#B1 0
The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.
#B1 allows for filtering out ranges when velocity shows a low correlation. This is espe-
cially useful when another system in the vicinity of the DVL is causing interference which
mimics a Bottom Pulse but thanks to our velocity filtering ends-up with a low correlation
when processed for velocity.