Sentinel V SC and RT Operation Manual
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Page 209
#CM – Set System Communication Mode
Sets the System Communication Mode.
Set the communication mode to match the part number
Recommended Setting. TRDI use only.
Description Allows the system communication mode to be changed.
*** CAUTION: These commands are reserved for RDI use
and may not be currently supported!
Output Communication Type is Set to Serial
*** CAUTION: This command is used to change the communication mode
for your ADCP. If your ADCP is not wired to use the
selected mode, you may not be able to communicate with it.
To change the primary mode of communication, enter YES:
Select one of the communication modes below:
To set the communication mode to match the part number enter: PartNumber
To set the communication mode to Ethernet enter: Ethernet
To set the communication mode to Serial enter: Serial
Note: Input is Case Sensitive
Enter the communication mode:
You have selected Ethernet as the primary communication mode
Completed Setting Primary Communication Mode to Ethernet
**** User must reboot Sentinel V for changes to take effect (Can use #CR) ****
Saving Data to NV Memory...Done
*** CAUTION: These commands are reserved for RDI use
and may not be currently supported!
If you really want to reboot, enter YES:
System will complete reboot in ~15 seconds
Enter === within the next 3 seconds to set communication port to serial:
Break not received, configuring for Ethernet comms
Switching the communication mode requires that the user have the corresponding Serial or
Ethernet I/O cable and matching end-cap.
If this command is improperly set, you may not be
able to communicate with the system.
Ethernet systems use a different end-cap than Serial Real-Time or Wireless Self-Contained
There is a failsafe when the system is configured for Ethernet but you are connected to the
system on a Serial port. You will see a prompt to enter === to set the communication port to
serial. The === must be sent within three seconds or the system will configure to Ethernet.
This failsafe is available again on reboot or power cycle.
Once the === is received, the system will remain in Serial mode until reboot or power-off.