Instructions myintercom Plus IP video door intercom
We constantly update and expand the myintercom app with new features and functions, the new
manual is available via www.myintercom.de.
6.2. Overview
The three most important screens in the “myin-
tercom” app are as follows:
Main screen
6.1. Starting the app
Download the "myintercom" app from Apple's
AppStore or from Google Play, depending on
your type of smartphone or tablet. The screen-
shots shown in the present instructions were
created on an iOS device. The app looks exactly
the same on an Android device. After starting
the app you will see an empty start screen. To
use the app, with your myintercom video door
intercom, you first need to assign a user to the
video door intercom, please cf. chapter "Video
Door Intercom Administration”, alternatively,
you may use the user that has been set-up by
default. Then you need to add the video door
intercom, please cf. chapter "Administration
video door intercom devices". To do so, you will
need the access information provided during
the user assignment process.
Please note: You cannot add a door intercom
using the administrator's access information,
this step requires user information.
This terminates the commissioning of your
You see this screen when you start the app.