Instructions myintercom Plus IP video door intercom
Card reader for myintercom Plus
Return the master card to the card reader, while
the display is flashing. The time shown on the
display will be programmed and the right deci-
mal point will turn on.
You may now remove the master card. The
display will turn off.
5.4. Additional master card
Programming a 2nd master card
To ensure maximum security, the default master
card can only be programmed by Telecom
Behnke GmbH. Therefore, you should always
keep it in a safe place.
It is possible to assign an additional
transponder as a 2nd master card next to the
default master card. To do so, you need the
default master card provided in the box.
Hold the default master card to the card reader.
The memory positions will be counted all the
way up to 190 (“
”). Then, the following will be
Remove the default master card from the card
reader. The display will light up for approx. 3
consecutive seconds and then start flashing for
approx. 6 seconds. Hold the transponder to the
card reader that you wish to program as a 2nd
master card.
The new transponder has now been pro-
grammed as the 2nd master card and the right
decimal point lights up.