Section 4: Off-state MOSFET characterization of a power MOSFET Model 8010 High Power Device Test Fixture User's Manual
8010-900-01 Rev. C / March 2017
Example code
Title: FET Drain-to-Source Leakage Current Measurement Sweep
Description: This script measures the drain current while the
drain voltage is sweeping linearly and under a 0 V gate bias.
Idss(gateV, startV, stopV, numSteps, measDelay, measRange, iLimit, numNPLC)
Description: This function uses the Model 2657 to sweep the voltage
across the drain up to the drain-source breakdown voltage and measure
the drain current. A second SourceMeter instrument is used to bias the
gate. For enhancement-mode power MOSFETs, a typical gate bias is 0 V.
gateV: Applied gate voltage bias (Vgs).
startV: Starting drain voltage (Vds).
stopV: Final drain voltage (Vds).
numSteps: Number of points in the drain voltage sweep.
measDelay: Measurement delay.
measRange: Current measurement range for the drain current measurements.
iLimit: Current limit (compliance) for the drain current.
numNPLC: Integration time in the number of power line cycles.
Example Usage:
Idss(0, 10, 1760, 500, 0.05, 100e-9, 500e-6, 1)
function Idss(gateV, startV, stopV, numSteps, measDelay, measRange, iLimit,
--Initialize SMU.
--Configure reading buffers.
smua.nvbuffer1.appendmode = 1
smua.nvbuffer1.collecttimestamps = 1
smua.nvbuffer2.appendmode = 1
smua.nvbuffer2.collecttimestamps = 1
--Configure source parameters for the gate SMU.
node[2].smua.source.func = node[2].smua.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS
node[2].smua.source.levelv = gateV
node[2].smua.source.limiti = 0.001