Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 2: General operation
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
A reserved URL in the instrument that provides an xml document that has standard configuration
information. This can be useful for software tools that need to identify the instruments and their
capabilities. The URL is
An IVI driver for the instrument.
A LAN Status (fault) indicator.
VXI-11 discovery protocol.
LAN reset button or menu option. LXI calls this the LAN Configuration Initialize (LCI).
When the LXI-defined LAN reset is selected, the instrument reverts its LAN settings to a known set of
defaults. The default LAN settings for LXI instruments are:
DHCP and Auto-IP enabled. LXI refers to this as the Auto IP address mode (compared to the
manual address mode, which is fixed or static IP addressing).
Web password is reset to the factory default.
Ping responder enabled.
Dynamic DNS and mDNS enabled.
LXI Version 1.3 added the requirement of mDNS (multicast DNS) discovery.
Instrument LAN protocols
Raw socket communications
All Keithley instruments that have LAN connections support raw socket communication. This means
that you can connect to the TCP/IP port on the instrument and send and receive commands. There is
no extra protocol overhead above and beyond what TCP gives you. A programmer can easily
communicate with the instrument using Winsock on Windows computers or Berkley sockets on Linux
or Apple computers.
The port number to use for connections differs with instrument models:
707B and 708B: Port 5025
Dead socket connections
If a computer is connected to an instrument through TCP and the computer application is terminated
without releasing the socket, it can leave the port on the instrument “hanging”. You cannot reconnect
to it without switching the power to the instrument off and then back on.
To avoid cycling power when this occurs, some instruments have a dead socket port (sometimes
known as a backdoor). The dead socket termination port is used to terminate all existing LAN
connections. This port cannot be used for command and control functions.
Use the dead socket termination port to manually disconnect a dead session on any open socket. All
existing LAN connections are terminated and closed when the connection to the dead socket
termination port is closed.
The dead socket termination port for Models 707B and 708B is 5030. Connect to this port, and then
when you disconnect, the dead port will be cleaned up (released)