Section 2: General operation
Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
You can perform open, close, and scan operations and configure your system without having an
actual switching card installed in your instrument. Using the remote interface, you can assign a
pseudocard to an empty switching card slot, allowing the instrument to operate as if a switching card
were installed.
A pseudocard cannot be configured from the front panel. However, once the remote configuration is
complete, you can take the instrument out of remote mode and use the front panel. Press the
key to take the instrument out of remote mode.
When the instrument is turned off, the pseudocard is no longer assigned to the slot.
Pseudocards programming example
Use the following command to set the pseudocard of slot 2 for 7072 8x12 Semi Matrix card
slot[2].pseudocard = 7072
Save the present configuration
You can capture the present settings of the instrument using the create configuration script feature.
When you run this feature, the configuration script is created and saved. You can run it later to return
to that configuration, or set it up to be the autoexec script. The configuration script is a normal TSP
script; once created, you can use it and modify it as you would any other script.
The configuration script includes:
Comment lines that identify the script as auto created and the date and time of creation.
The cards that are installed and the slots in which they are installed.
A reset command, which will reset the instrument to the factory default settings.
The commands to reconfigure the instrument. The configuration script only captures settings that
have been changed from the factory defaults.
Later, when you run the configuration script, the script will verify that the installed cards and slots
match. If they do not, a message is displayed, the script stops, and the configuration is not restored.
Note that the configuration script does not include the status of channels. As initially created, the
configuration script performs a reset, which opens all channels.
You can modify the script to change the card models or slots. However, you must make sure that all
subsequent commands are valid for the card model or slot change.
For more information on scripts, see
Fundamentals of scripting for TSP
(on page 6-1). For more
information on the autoexec script, see
(on page 6-7).
A sample configuration script is shown in the following example.